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Society, Energy, Economics, Food, Agriculture

After decades of intense growth, most people today have less available income than 10-15 years ago, and nobody has a good explanation.

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Energy, Renewables, Natural Resources

Given our experience, we are hard-wired to believe that growth is bound to continue, but we have reached the limits of our planet.

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Living with Less

As far as we can see, there is no way out. Recognizing that we don’t need more growth and accepting this new reality will be a huge relief.

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Energy, Natural Resources
私達の繁栄を支えてきたもの: エネルギーと天然資源

Behind this change is a long-forgotten truth: more economic activity needs more energy and natural resources.

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数十年間にわたる成長が終わり、現在ほとんどの人は10-15年前よりも使える収入が少なくなっています。しかし、それがなぜなのかをうまく説明できる人は誰もいません。 2000年頃に人々がこれまでで最も裕福になった後、成長を回復するために数多の試みが行われてきたにもかかわらず、先進諸国におけるほとんどの世帯でインフレ率調整後の収入が縮小しました。 同じく、若者に対する見通しはますます暗く、その多くは家を買う為、あるいは貯蓄を増やすべく、高額な教育に見合った仕事を見つけようと必死になっています。
U.S. household incomes 2000-2014 (
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今までの経験を考慮すると、私たちは生まれつき「成長は継続する運命にある」と信じてしまいます。ですが、この星はすでに限界に達してしまっています。 250年に及ぶ際限のない成長拡大の結果、エネルギーと天然資源が再び私たちの世界を制限しています。これ以上のエネルギーと天然資源の捻出はいよいよ難しくなり、それがさらなる経済発展を困難にしています。 私たちは誰しも、このことを簡単には理解できません。なぜなら、私たちの脳は生まれつき近い過去を指針として利用してしまうためです。それがうまく当てはまらない場合、私たちは戸惑い、そして怒りを覚えるのです。
After 10 years of mostly scientific work on understanding our human ecosystem, energy&stuff is IIER 's first public outreach project. Given the very negative societal dynamics observed around the world, with hate and blame on the rise, we consider it relevant to instill a sense of reality into the discussion, hopefully supporting a different and more constructive dialogue moving forward.
Outsourcing - how some countries became (seemingly) efficient
Many advanced economies seem to have become much more energy- and resource-efficient during the past decades, emitting far less greenhouse gases per unit of economic output. Unfortunately, the largest part of those improvements exist only on paper, as globalization and the related de-industrialization have driven the "heavy lifting" elsewhere.
Cobb-Douglas, a formula and a principle with limits
The drivers of most economic planning, labor, capital and their productivity, are at the core of the concept described by the Cobb-Douglas production function. Unfortunately, this "unlimited" view has hard limits in energy and resource availability that didn't matter during the 20th century.
Productivity, its components, and its limits
Labor and capital productivity growth was seen as the key driver of growth during the past 250 years. However, we didn't get more productive based on our ingenuity alone, the key drivers were increased energy and resource use with low energy and resource productivity.